What’s Better – Complete Coverage With Multiple Tools Or Partial Coverage With One Tool?

The debate between complete coverage with multiple tools versus imperfect coverage with one tool regularly pops up in discussions between security professionals. What we are really talking about is attempting to choose between maximum functionality and simplicity. Having pursued both extremes over the course of my security career I offer this post to share my perspective on how CISOs can think about navigating this classic tradeoff.

In Support Of All The Things

Let’s start with why you may want to pursue complete coverage by using multiple technologies and tools.

Heavily Regulated And High Risk Industries

First, heavily regulated and high risk businesses may be required to demonstrate complete coverage of security requirements. These are industries like the financial sector or government and defense. (I would normally say healthcare here, but despite regulations like HIPAA the entire industry has lobbied against stronger security regulations and this has proven disastrous via major incidents like the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack). The intent behind any regulation is to establish a minimum set of required security controls businesses need to meet in order to operate in that sector. It may not be possible to meet all of these regulatory requirements with a single technology and therefore, CISOs may need to evaluate and select multiple technologies to meet the requirements.

Defense In Depth

Another reason for selecting multiple tools is to provide defense in depth. The thought process is: multiple tools will provide overlap and small variances in how they meet various security controls. These minor differences can offer defenders an advantage because if one piece of technology is vulnerable to an exploit, another piece of technology may not be vulnerable. By layering these technologies throughout your organization you reduce the chances an attacker will be successful.

An example of this would be if your business is protected from the internet by a firewall made by Palo Alto. Behind this PA firewall is a DMZ and the DMZ is separated from your internal network by a firewall from Cisco. This layered defense will make it more difficult for attackers to get through the external firewall, DMZ, internal firewall and into the LAN. (See image below for a very simplistic visual)

Downside Of All The Things

All the things may sound great, but unless you are required to meet that level of security there can be a lot of downsides.

First, multiple technologies introduce complexity into an environment. This can make it more difficult to troubleshoot or detect issues (including security events). It can also make it more difficult to operationally support these technologies because they may have different interfaces, APIs, protocols, configurations, etc. It may not be possible to centrally manage these technologies, or it may require the introduction of an additional technology to manage everything.

Second, all of these technologies can increase the number of people required to support them. People time can really add up as a hidden cost and shouldn’t be thrown away lightly. People time starts the second you begin discussing the requirements for a new technology and can include the following:

  • Proof of Concepts (PoCs)
  • Tradeoff & Gap Analysis
  • Requests for Information (RFI)
  • Requests for Proposal (RFP)
  • Requests for Quotes (RFQ)
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Installation
  • Integration
  • Operation & Support

Finally, multiple technologies can cause performance impacts, increased costs and waste. Performance impacts can happen due to differences in technologies, complexity, configuration errors or over consumption of resources (such as agent sprawl). Waste can happen due to overlap and duplicated functionality because not all of the functionality may not get used despite the fact you are paying for it.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Single Tool

A single tool that covers the majority, but not all, of your requirements offers one advantage – simplicity. This may not sound like much, but after years of chasing perfection, technology simplicity can have benefits that may not be immediately obvious.

First, seeking out a single tool that meets the majority of requirements will force your security team to optimize their approach for the one that best manages risk while supporting the objectives of the business. Second, a single tool is easier to install, integrate, operate and support. There is also less demand on the rest of the business in terms of procurement, contract negotiation and vendor management. Lastly, a single tool requires less people to manage it and therefore you can run a smaller and more efficient organization.

The biggest disadvantage of a single tool is it doesn’t provide defense in depth. One other disadvantage is it won’t meet all of your security requirements and so the requirements that aren’t met should fall within the risk tolerance of the business or somehow get satisfied with other compensating controls.

A single tool that covers the majority, but not all, of your requirements offers one advantage – simplicity.

Wrapping Up

There are a lot of advantages to meeting all of your requirements with multiple tools, but these advantages come with a tradeoff in terms of complexity, operational overhead, duplicated functionality and increased personnel requirements. If you operate a security program in a highly regulated or highly secure environment you may not have a choice so it is important to be aware of these hidden costs. A single tool reduces complexity, operational overhead and personnel demands, but can leave additional risk unmet and fails to provide defense in depth. Generally, I favor simplicity where possible, but you should always balance the security controls against the risk tolerance and needs of the business.

Security Considerations For M&A and Divestitures

I’ve been speaking to security startups over the last few weeks and some of the discussions made me think about the non-technical aspects of security that CISOs need to worry about. Specifically, things like mergers, acquisitions and divestitures and the different risks you will run into when executing these activities. There are a number of security issues that can materialize when combining businesses or separating businesses and in this post I’ll share some of the things you need to think about from a security perspective that may not be obvious at first glance.

What’s Going On Here?

There are a number of reasons for mergers & acquisitions (M&A) or divestitures. For the past two decades, the tech industry has used M&A to acquire smaller startup companies as a way to collect intellectual property, acquire specific talent or gain a competitive advantage. Divestitures may be the result of changing business priorities, separating business functions for regulatory reasons, eliminating redundancies or a way to sell a part of the business to cover costs. Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures are similar because you will want to review the same things from a security perspective, but it is probably easiest to think of divestitures as the reverse of an M&A – you are separating a business instead of combining a business. Divestitures are definitely less common than M&A in the tech space, but they aren’t unheard of. There are also differences in terms of the security risks you need to think about depending on if you are acquiring a business or separating a business. My best advice is to work with the legal and finance teams performing the due diligence and have a set process (that you have contributed to) so you don’t forget anything. With that, let’s dive into a few different areas.

Physical Security

Physical security is something you will need to think about for both M&A and divestitures. For M&A you will want to perform a physical security assessment on the facilities you are acquiring to make sure they meet or exceed your standards. Reviewing physical security controls like badging systems, fencing, bollards, cameras, fire suppression, emergency lighting, tempest controls (if required), safes and door locks will all help make sure your new facilities are up to standard. If you aren’t sure how to perform this, hire a company that specializes in physical security assessments or physical red teaming.

While physical security for M&A may seems straight forward, there are a few gotchas when performing divestitures. The biggest gotcha is understanding and reviewing the existing access of the people that are part of the divestiture because you will now need to consider them outsiders. All of your standard off-boarding processes will apply here such as terminating accesses to make sure someone doesn’t retain access to a system they are no longer authorized to access (like HR, Finance, etc.).

Things can get complicated if parts of the business are divesting, but not fully. Some examples of this are when the business divests a smaller part, but allows the smaller part to co-locate in their existing facilities. This may complicate physical security requirements such as how to schedule or access common areas, how to schedule conference rooms, how to separate wifi and network access, etc. In the above example, the larger company may act like a service provider to the divested part of the business, but there still needs to be effective security controls in place between the two parts.

Personnel Security

I touched on this a bit already, but personnel security is something to consider when performing M&A or divestitures. With M&A the biggest issue will be how to smash the two IAM systems and HR systems together without punching huge holes in your network. Typically what happens is the two parts operate separately for a while and then consolidate to a single system and the employees of the acquired business get new accounts and access.

For divestitures, particularly if they don’t result in a clean split, you will need to focus heavily on access control and insider threats. Think about how you will separate access to things like source code, financial systems, HR systems, etc. If the smaller company has physical access to your space then you need to build in proper physical and logical controls to limit what each business can do, particularly for confidentiality and competitive reasons.

What’s an example of where this can go wrong? Let’s say business A is going to divest a small part of its business (business B). The complete divestiture is going to take a while to finalize so company A agrees to allow company B to continue to access their existing office space, including conference rooms. However, the legal team didn’t realize the conference rooms are tied to company A’s SSO and calendaring system so company B has no way to schedule the conference rooms without retaining access to company A’s IAM system creating a major security risk. Whoops!

The biggest gotcha is understanding and reviewing the existing access of the people that are part of the divestiture because you will now need to consider them outsiders.


Contracts may not seem like a typical security issue, but they should be part of your review, particularly when performing M&A. Why? You are acquiring a business that is worth something and that business will have existing contracts with customers. The contractual terms with those customers may not match the contractual terms of the acquiring company, which can cause a risk if there is a significant difference in contract terms. Smaller companies are more agile, but they also usually have less negotiating power compared to large companies and as a result are more likely to agree to non-standard contract terms. What are some terms you need to think about?

  • Vulnerability Remediation Times – How quickly did the new company promise to fix vulnerabilities for their customers?
  • Incident & Breach Disclosure Time Frames – How quickly did the new company promise to notify customers of a breach or incident? I have seen very small time frames suggested in contracts, which are impossible to meet, so I definitely recommend reviewing these.
  • Disclosure of Security Postures – Does the new company have contractual terms promising to provide SBOMs or other security posture assessments to their customers on a regular basis?
  • Compliance Requirements – Has the new company agreed to be contractually obligated to maintain compliance certifications such as PCI-DSS, SOC 2, ISO27001, etc.
  • Penetration Testing & Audits – Has the new company contractually agreed to have their products or services penetration tested or have their security program audited? Have they agreed to provide these reports to their customers on a regular basis?
  • Privacy & Data Governance Terms – Is the new company required to comply with privacy regulations such as allowing customers have their data deleted, or mandating certain data governance requirements like DLP, encryption, data deletion, etc?
  • BCP/DR and SLAs – Are there contractual uptime SLAs or response times and does the existing BCP/DR plan support these SLAs?

My advice is to set a timeline post acquisition to review and standardize all of your contracts to a single set of standard clauses covering the above topics. This is usually part of a security addendum that the legal team can help you create. The biggest challenge with contracts will be to “re-paper” all of your customers to hopefully get them on the same standardized contract terms so your security program doesn’t have a bunch of different requirements they have to try to meet.

Accuracy Of M&A’s

One of the biggest risk of performing M&A’s is trying to get an accurate picture of the existing security posture of the company being acquired. Why is this so difficult? The company being acquired is trying to look as good as possible so they get top dollar. They can’t hide things, but they aren’t going to tell you where all the skeletons are buried either. The acquiring company usually doesn’t get a full picture of the existing security posture until after the deal is done and you start trying to integrate the two parts of the business. If you have a chance to interview the existing security team before the M&A closes definitely ask to see their latest audit reports, compliance certifications, penetration testing reports, etc. Consider working with legal to set conditions for how old these reports can be (e.g. no older than 6 months) to hopefully give you a more accurate picture or require the acquired company to update them before the deal closes. Interview key members of the staff to ask how processes work, what are their biggest pain points, etc. Consider hiring an outside company to perform an assessment, or you can even consider talking to one of their largest customers to get their external view point (if possible).

Wrapping Up

M&A and divestitures can be exiting and stressful at the same time. It is important for the security team to be integrated into both processes and to have documented steps to make sure risks are being assessed and addressed. I’ve listed a few key focus areas above, but most importantly standardizing your M&A security review can help avoid “buyers remorse” or creating unnecessary risk to the acquiring business. Finally, having a documented divestiture process and reviewing the divestiture with legal can help avoid security risks after the fact.

Security Theater Is The Worst

We have all been there…we’ve had moments in our life where we have had to “comply” or “just do it” to meet a security requirement that doesn’t make sense. We see this throughout our lives when we travel, in our communities and in our every day jobs. While some people may think security theater has merit because it “checks a box” or provides a deterrent, in my opinion security theater does more harm than good and should be eradicated from security programs.

What Is Security Theater?

Security theater was first coined by Bruce Schneier and refers to the practice of implementing security measures in the form of people, processes or technologies that give the illusion of improved security. In practical terms, this means there is something happening, but what that something is and how it actually provides any protection is questionable at best.

Examples Of Security Theater

Real life examples of security theater can be seen all over the place, particularly when we travel. The biggest travel security theater is related to liquids. TSA has a requirement that you can’t bring liquids through security unless they are 3 ounces or smaller. However, you can bring a bottle of water through if it is fully frozen…what? Why does being frozen matter? What happens if I bring 100, 3 ounce shampoo bottles through security? I still end up with the same volume of liquid and security has done nothing to prevent me from bringing the liquid through. As for water, the only thing that makes sense for why they haven’t relaxed this requirements is to prop up the businesses in the terminal that want to sell overpriced bottles of water to passengers. Complete theater.

“Security theater is the practice of implementing security measures that give the illusion of improved security.”

Corporate security programs also have examples of security theater. This can come up if you have an auditor that is evaluating your security program against an audit requirement and they don’t understand the purpose of the requirement. For example, and auditor may insist you install antivirus on your systems to prevent viruses and malware, when your business model is to provide Software as a Service (SaaS). With SaaS your users are consuming software in a way that nothing is installed on their end user workstations and so there is little to no risk of malware spreading from your SaaS product to their workstations. Complete theater.

Another example of security theater is asking for attestation a team is meeting a security requirement instead of designing a process or security control that actually achieves the desired outcome. In this example, the attestation is nothing more than a facade designed to pass accountability from the security team, that should be designing and implementing effective controls, to the business team. It is masking ineffective process and technologies. Complete theater.

Lastly, a classic example of security theater is security by obscurity. Otherwise known as hiding in plain sight. If your security program is relying on the hope that attackers won’t find something in your environment then prepare to be disappointed. Reconnaissance tools are highly effective and with enough time threat actors will find anything you are trying to hide. Hope is not a strategy. Complete theater.

What Is The Impact Of Security Theater?

Tangible And Intangible Costs

Everything we do in life has a cost and this is certainly true with security theater. In the examples above there is a real cost in terms of time and money. People who travel are advised to get to the airport at least two hours early. This cost results in lost productivity, lost time with family and decreased self care.

In addition to tangible costs like those above, there are also intangible costs. If people don’t understand the “why” for your security control, they won’t be philosophically aligned to support it. The end result is security theater will erode confidence and trust in your organization, which will undermine your authority. This is never a place you want to be as a CISO.

Some people may argue that security theater is a deterrent because the show of doing “security things” will deter bad people from doing bad things. This sounds more like a hope than reality. People are smart. They understand when things make sense and if you are implementing controls that don’t make sense they will find ways around them or worse, ignore you when something important comes up.

With any effective security program the cost of a security control should never outweigh the cost of the risk, but security theater does exactly that.

Real Risks

The biggest problem with security theater is it can give a false sense of security to the organization that implements it. The mere act of doing “all the things” can make the security team think they are mitigating a risk when in reality they are creating the perfect scenario for a false negative.

How To Avoid Security Theater?

The easiest way to avoid security theater is to have security controls that are grounded in sound requirements and establish metrics to evaluate their effectiveness. Part of your evaluation should evaluate the cost of the control versus the cost of the risk. If your control costs more than the risk then it doesn’t make sense and you shouldn’t do it.

The other way to avoid security theater is to exercise integrity. Don’t just “check the box” and don’t ask the business you support to check the box either. Take the time to understand requirements from laws, regulations and auditors to determine what the real risk is. Figure out what an effective control will be to manage that risk and document your reasoning and decision.

The biggest way to avoid security theater is to explain the “why” behind a particular security control. If you can’t link it back to a risk or business objective and explain it in a way people will understand then it is security theater.

Can we stop with all the theater?

Using Exceptions As A Discovery Tool

Security exceptions should be used sparingly and should be truly exceptional circumstances that are granted after the business accepts a risk. In mature security programs the security exceptions process is well defined and has clear criteria for what will and will not meet the exception criteria. In mature programs exceptions should be the exception, not the norm. However, in newer security programs exceptions can be a useful tool that provides discovery as well as risk acceptance.

Maturing A Security Program

One of the first things a new CISO will need to do is understand the business and how it functions. As part of this process the CISO will need to take an inventory of the current state of things so he or she can begin to form a strategy on how to best manage risk. As a new CISO your security program may not have well defined security policies and standards. As you begin to define your program and roll out these policies, the exception process can be a valuable tool that gives the perception of a choice, while allowing the security team to uncover areas of the business that need security improvement. Over time, as the business and security program mature, the CISO can gradually deny any requests to renew or extend these exceptions.

Rolling Out A New Security Process

Another area that is useful to have an exceptions process is when rolling out a new security process. For example, if you are rolling out a new process that will require teams to perform SAST and DAST scanning of their code and fix vulnerabilities before going into production, then allowing security exceptions during the initial rollout of the process can be useful to allow teams more time to adapt their development processes to incorporate the new security process. Allowing exceptions can foster good will with the development team and allow the security function visibility into the behavior and culture of the rest of the business. This can allow the security function and development team the opportunity to collaborate together with the ultimate goal of removing any exceptions and following the process to reduce risk to the business.

Tackling Security Tech Debt or Shadow IT

A common maturity evolution for companies is the elimination of shadow IT. The security function can assist with the elimination of shadow IT by creating an exception process and allowing an amnesty period where the business is allowed to continue to operate their shadow IT as long as it is declared. In reality you are giving the business the perception that they will be granted an exception when they are really giving the security function visibility into things they wouldn’t otherwise know about. This can be a useful tool to discover and eliminate policy exceptions as long as it is used sparingly and with good intent (not punitively).

Documentation Is Key

No matter how you choose to use exceptions within your security program there are a few best practices to follow.

  1. Exceptions should be truly exceptional. If you do grant one for discovery purposes make sure there is a plan to close the exception. Exceptions shouldn’t be the rule and they shouldn’t be expected. Sometimes the rest of the business just needs someone to tell them no.
  2. Time box the exception. Don’t just grant an exception without some sort of end date. The business needs to know an exception is temporary and there should be a well defined plan to make improvements and close the exception. The security team should grant a reasonable amount of time to execute that plan, but it shouldn’t be a never ending story.
  3. Review often. Security exceptions should be reviewed often. Part of your security program should review the open exceptions, which ones are ending, if there are patterns where there are lots of similar exceptions and if there are teams who request a high volume of exceptions. Reviewing exceptions gives you insight into how well security processes and controls are working. It also gives you insight into which parts of the business need help.
  4. Require the business owner to sign off. The reality of a well run security program is the business ultimately owns the decision if they want to accept a risk or not. The CISO makes a recommendation, but they don’t own the business systems or processes. As a result, the security exception process should require the business owner to sign off on any exception. This will ensure there is documentation that they were made aware of the risk, but this can also act as a visibility tool for the business owner into their own teams. I’ve often found a business leader is not always aware of what their teams are doing at the tactical level and the exceptions process can provide them the opportunity to check their team and correct behavior before it gets to the CISO.

Wrapping Up

The exception process can be a valuable tool for discovery of hidden risk throughout the business. By offering an amnesty period and giving the perception of flexibility, the security team can foster good will with the business while gaining valuable visibility into areas that may be hidden. The exception process also is a valuable tool for the security program to document risk acceptance by the applicable business owner, but can also provide business owners visibility into how well their team is meeting security requirements. Lastly, as the security program matures, the security team can gradually require the business to close down the exceptions by improving their security posture.

Will CVSS 4.0 Help Companies Manage Vulnerabilities Better?

About two weeks ago FIRST published version 4.0 of the Common Vulnerability Scoring Standard (CVSS), largely in response to feedback from the industry on the shortcomings of CVSS 3.1 and previous versions. The main complaint from industry with version 3.1 was that it didn’t offer any way to add additional context in a way that could help determine and prioritize risk. This led to companies to come up with their own processes to add context. In a previous blog about The Problem With Vulnerability Scanners I specifically highlighted how CVSS scores weren’t very useful and needed additional business context to make a risk prioritization decision. With that in mind, CVSS 4.0 attempts to address these shortcomings. Let’s take a look at what they changed and if it will help.

What’s New?

Both CVSS 3.1 and CVSS 4.0 include ways to evaluate vulnerabilities using the intrinsic characteristics of the vulnerability (Based), how the vulnerability changes over time (Temporal v3 or Threat v4) and how the vulnerability specifically applies to your environment (Environment). New for v4 is a Supplemental section which doesn’t impact the CVSS score, but allows you to add additional context for the vulnerability.

Additionally, CVSS 4.0 promises the ability to add real time threat context by allowing teams to use Threat Intelligence as an input to the CVSS score for a vulnerability. This additional context can be provided in new sections such as Attack Complexity, Attack Requirements, Vulnerable System and Subsequent System. CVSS 4.0 attempts to acknowledge unique environments by allowing additional fields for things like safety, ICS systems, etc. You can read about the full CVSS 4.0 specification here.

Finally! A Way To Prioritize Vulnerabilities!

CVSS 4.0 definitely seems like a huge step towards allowing teams to provide additional context to a vulnerability with the ultimate goal of influencing the score for better risk prioritization. The most common complaint I hear from engineering teams is there are too many vulnerabilities with the same criticality and they are unsure where to start. This was also feedback provided by industry to FIRST because it seemed like vulnerabilities were clustered more towards the critical and high range after the changes from v2 to v3.

CVSS 4.0 definitely answers some of the previous shortcomings and allows teams to add additional context to help make better decisions about which vulnerabilities should be prioritized for remediation over others. I know it is fairly common for the top priority to be given to external, publicly facing systems. The problem was CVSS 3.0 didn’t really provide a way to delineate between internal and external systems very well. So overall, the changes introduced in v4 are very welcome and should help teams really focus on what matters.

Is More Choice A Good Thing?

While it may seem like a good thing to be able to adjust the CVSS score for a vulnerability I do see this causing issues, particularly with external reporting. Security teams will need to have a robust process documented for how they are adjusting the score of a vulnerability and I can see situations in the future where companies are accused of subjectively adjusting their vulnerability scores down to paint a better picture than the reality.

Additionally, more choice comes with less transparency. Over the past year I have seen the volume and complexity of security questionnaires increase. The top questions focus around vulnerability remediation SLAs, incident response times and software supply chain security. Adding additional complexity into the CVSS scoring process, that allows companies to subjectively adjust the score up or down, will be extremely difficult for customers and regulators to navigate. Think back to Log4j and the reaction from your customers if you said you had Log4j vulnerabilities, but weren’t prioritizing remediation because they were on internal systems only. This may be a reasonable risk response for the business, but the perception from your customers will be difficult to manage.

Time Will Tell

Overall, it seems like CVSS 4.0 is attempting to become more of an overall risk score, rather than just a severity score. It is certainly welcome to be able to add additional context and take additional input to adjust the CVSS score as it applies to your environment and business. However, the new standard adds additional complexity and subjectivity that will make it difficult for customers and regulators to assess the true risk of a vulnerability to the business in a common way across the industry. Security teams will need to be particularly diligent in documenting a robust process for how they are adjusting the CVSS score to avoid being accused of arbitrarily adjusting the CVSS score down to make their company look better.

Software Supply Chain Security Considerations

Over the past five years there has been increased scrutiny on the security of supply chains and in particular software supply chains. The Solar Winds attack in 2020 brought this issue to the foreground as yet another requirement for a well rounded security program and also has been codified into several security guidelines such as, the Biden Administration Executive Order in 2021 and CISA software supply chain best practices. As businesses shift their software development practices to DevOps and Cloud, CSOs need to make sure software security is one of the components that is measured, monitored and controlled as part of a well rounded security program.

How Did We Get Here?

The use of open source software has increased over the past two decades largely because it is cheaper and faster to use an existing piece of software rather than spend time developing it yourself. This allows software development teams quicker time to market because they don’t have to re-invent software to perform certain functions and can instead focus on developing intellectual property that creates distinct value for their company.

There is also allegedly an implicit advantage to using open source software. The idea being open sourced software has more eyes on it and therefore is less prone to having malicious functions built into it and less prone to security vulnerabilities within the software. This concept may work well for large open source software projects that have a large number of contributors, but the concept falls short for smaller projects that have fewer contributors and resources. However, until the Solar Winds hack in 2020 the general attitude that open source software is more secure was generally applied to all projects regardless of size and funding. As we have learned, this flawed reasoning does not hold up and has allowed for attackers to target companies through their software supply chain.

The challenge with open source software is it is supposed to be a community led project. This means people use the software, but are also supposed to contribute back to that project. However, as companies have embraced open source software the two way street is more biased towards taking and using the software than contributing back. If corporations contributed back in ways that were proportionate to their use of open source software, the maturity, security and quality of the open source software would be drastically improved.

What Are the Risks?

There are several inherent risks involved in using open source software and they are as follows:

Can You Really Trust The Source?

How do you know the software you are pulling down from the internet doesn’t have a backdoor built into it? How do you know it is free from vulnerabilities? Is this piece of software developed and supported by an experienced group of contributors or is it maintained by one person in their basement during their spare time?

The point is, it is fairly easy to masquerade as a legitimate and well supported open source software project. Yet, it is difficult to actually validate the true source of the software.

What Is The Cadence For Vulnerability Fixes And Software Updates?

The size and scope of the open source software project dictates how well it is supported. As we saw during Log4j some projects were able to push updates very quickly, but other smaller projects took time to resolve the full scope of the issue. Any company using open source software should consider how often a project is updated and set limits on the use of software that doesn’t have regular and timely updates.

May Actually Require An Increase In Resources

There are ways for companies to manage the risk of using open source software. Assuming you can trust the source you can always pull down the source code and compile the software yourself. You can even fork the build to include fixes or other improvements to suit your specific application. However, this takes resources. It may not take the full number of resources that would be be required if you wrote the software from scratch, but maintaining the builds, version control and the general Software Development Life Cycle will need to be properly resourced and supported.

Can Complicate External Stakeholder Management

Another issue with using open source software in your supply chain is external stakeholder management. The Biden EO in 2021 requires companies to provide a software bill of materials (SBOM) for software sold to the U.S. Government. This trend has also trickled down into 3rd party partner management between companies, where contractual terms are starting to ask for software bill of materials, vulnerability disclosure timelines and other security practices related to software.

One major issue with this is: it is possible for software to be listed as vulnerable even though there may be no way to exploit it. For example, a piece of software developed by a company may include an open source library that is vulnerable, but there is no way to actually exploit that vulnerability. This can cause an issue with external stakeholders, regulators, auditors, etc. when they see a vulnerability listed. These external stakeholders may request the vulnerability be resolved, which could draw resources away from other priorities that are higher risk.

Standardization Is Hard

Finally, standardizing and controlling the use of open source software as part of the SDLC is advantageous from a security perspective, but exceptionally difficult from a practicality perspective. Unwinding the use of high risk or unapproved open source software can take a long time depending on how critical the software is to the application. If developers have to recreate and maintain the software internally that takes development time away from new features or product updates. Similarly, getting teams to adopt standard practices such as only allowing software to be a certain number of revisions out of date, only allowing software from certain sources and preventing vulnerable software from being used all takes time, but will pay dividends in the long run. Especially, with external stakeholder management or creation of SBOMs.

Wrapping Up

Using open source software has distinct advantages such as efficiency and time to market, but carries real risks that can be used as an attack vector into a company or their customers. CSOs need to include software supply chain security as one of the pillars of their security programs to identify, monitor and manage the risk of using open source software. Most importantly, a well robust software security supply chain program should consider the most effective ways to manage risk, while balancing external stakeholder expectations and without inadvertently causing an increase in resources.

Can Risk Truly Be Measured?

As a CSO, everything you do needs to be evaluated in terms of risk to the business. When you build a security program, prioritize objectives or respond to incidents all of your decisions will take into consideration risk and how to effectively manage it. Which begs the question: Can Risk Truly Be Measured?

The Problem With Risk

The problem with risk is that it is subjective. Everyone views risk, and the behaviors that contribute to risk, differently. Trying to measure a subjective concept can lead to inconsistencies, fluctuations or even conscious and subconscious influencing of the outcome. Even worse, as you engage in behavior that involves risk, your risk tolerance will adapt over time to accept the risk as normal. For the security space, this is the equivalent of failing to implement a specific security control and yet avoiding a breach or incident. As a result the business may try to rationalize that you don’t need to implement the control because you haven’t suffered the consequences of a breach. How do you consistently and objectively measure risk for yourself, your team or your business if it is subjective?

Objectivity Leads to Consistency

Risk can be measured, but it requires you to apply an objective and consistent process to gain consensus and get consistent results. There are several methods for obtaining consistent results when dealing with a subjective concept. In Operations Research there is a process known as the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which attempts to achieve a mathematical decision for a subjective concept (like deciding which house to buy). Similarly, when attempting to decide between different subjective concepts you can use simple mechanisms like pairwise comparisons or a triangle distribution to express the decision mathematically.

Here are two examples:

Pairwise comparison: This comparison is useful for comparing two things to determine which one is more important. Example: Patching our publicly facing systems with critical vulnerabilities is ten times more important than patching our systems with critical vulnerabilities that are only internally accessible.

Triangle Distribution: This distribution is useful when attempting to distill a decision down to a value when you may only know two data points, such as the extremes. Or, if two people offer different opinions for the value of something you can use the triangle distribution to find a compromise in the middle. Example: Manager 1 – The impact of this event is a 2 out of 5 (5 being highest). Manager 2 – The impact of this event is a 4 out of 5. Using a triangle distribution we decide the impact of this event is a 3.

Either of these methods can be used to determine the likelihood and impact for a specific security control in an industry standard security framework like NIST or CIS.

There are other objective methods for assessing and assigning risk. I’ve discussed the CIS Risk Assessment Method (RAM) in detail in my blog post about Building A Strategic Plan. The advantage of this method is you can apply a consistent process to assign and measure risk for every single CIS control and sub-control. This allows you to measure how you well you are managing risk over the lifetime of your security program in a repeatable way.

When Things Go Wrong

Following an objective process to measure risk requires you to take the time to methodically apply the process to each decision or control you need to asses. This can be time consuming at first, but once the initial baseline is set it is easy to update and maintain. However, it is easy to mess this process up. Here are a few things I don’t recommend:

  1. Don’t make up your own security control framework – There are industry standard security frameworks for a reason. The standard frameworks are comprehensive and have clear criteria for how to apply and asses the effectiveness of a control. The worst “frameworks” I have seen are typically made up by someone in the security team that things they know better. These “frameworks” are subjective, inconsistent, contradictory, redundant or unclear about how to apply specific controls. On top of that these “frameworks” require someone to update them, maintain them and communicate them to the rest of the org. Why duplicate work when you don’t have to?
  2. Failing to apply a consistent process – Failing to apply a consistent process for measuring and assessing risk means you will fail to get a consistent and objective result. This means you will have an inaccurate measurement of risk or the risk will fluctuate with each measurement, which will render it useless. Also in this category is allowing different teams within your company to use different processes for assessing risk. This means you will not be able to consistently compare the risk of different security controls across the business, which can lead to gaps or overconfidence.
  3. Failing to validate the result – This may be obvious, but each of your measurements should be backed up by evidence. Don’t assume your inventory is correct. Don’t assume your IDS is working and don’t assuming your DDoS protection will work properly. Test these things, audit them and spot check them periodically. Risk doesn’t always have to move in one direction. Controls can regress, postures can change and threats are constantly evolving. Validate your results on a regular basis to make sure you are getting the most accurate picture possible.

So Can You Really Measure Risk?

I believe you can measure risk and develop an accurate risk profile for your company. Despite the subjective nature of risk, you can reach an objective result by using simply mathematical principles and by using an consistent objective process. When applying these methods to an industry standard control framework, you can obtain an objective result that will accurately measure your risk for a single decision, or an entire control framework. Once you have an accurate risk profile you can use the risk to make prioritized decisions to manage risk for your business.

When Risk Management Goes Wrong

Last week I took the opportunity to take some time off and spend a few days with my family at a popular amusement park in California. On the second day my kids and I decided to go to the water park to go down the water slides and during this experience my kids and I were on the receiving end of risk management gone wrong.

Let me explain…

Let’s assume I’m the CSO of this amusement park company and I’m helping the legal team and rest of the C-Suite evaluate the risks involved in this particular activity. So the general question is: “What are the risks involved in going down a water slide?” Here are a few easy examples:

  1. Someone could go down the slide and not be able to swim so they could possibly drown in the splash pool.
  2. Someone could go down the slide and collide with another person in the splash pool injuring them both.

How would you manage these risks as a business to make sure you aren’t continually sued by your guests?

It is easy to take the extreme case and simply try to manage these risks to the point where you have minimized your liability. In example 1, you can simply hire and staff life guards at the splash pool to make sure people don’t drown. You can also minimize the depth of the pool so there is enough water for a safe landing, but not so much that it is over people’s heads. Overall, these risk management techniques would make guests feel safe and not really impact the overall experience of the ride in anyway.

Example 2 is where it gets interesting. How do you make sure people don’t crash into and injure each other? On the extreme case you can make guests wait until the current guest is all the way out of the pool. This would minimize the risk of crash injury and be the safest option, but it comes at a tradeoff. The tradeoff is wait times for the ride, which ultimately impacts guest experience and satisfaction. Waiting for each guest to exit the pool took anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes (depending on the guest) before they would let the next guest go down. This doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you add up the time it takes for someone to go down (let’s say 30 seconds) combined with the time for them to get out of the pool (another 30 seconds to several minutes) you are looking anywhere from one minute to several minutes between guests. This means if the line is long your guests are waiting a really long time to ride this ride.

Risk is a difficult concept for companies to navigate because it is subjective. In order to get a reasonable risk outcome you need to use an objective process to make sure you are assessing and managing risk in a consistent way. It is up to the CSO organization to communicate and advise on how to manage risk in a way that is conducive to the business. Most importantly, you can’t let one group dominate the conversation about risk without taking into account other stakeholder perspectives (like legal, sales, finance, HR, IT, etc.).

In this example above the amusement park business minimized their risk at the expense of customer experience. This is equivalent to having extremely long latencies on your e-commerce site as a result of security checks. It may sound like a great idea, but ultimately will impede your business in the long run. In this particular case I am unlikely to go back to that particular amusement park because of the frustratingly long wait times.

As the CSO, it is your job to effectively communicate risk. You could be advocating for a new control to reduce risk, a new process to manage risk or an exception to accept risk. These are all acceptable outcomes as long as the business owners are involved in and acknowledge the ultimate decision. Most importantly, you need to balance customer experience, user experience and the needs of the business when implementing controls and processes to manage risk. At the end of the day not all risk can (or should) be managed because the business has to function and this comes with inherent risk.

Building A Security Budget To Address Risk

Over the past 9 months layoffs have been impacting the tech industry amid heightened concern over the economy, increased scrutiny on profits and over investment by companies in areas that don’t positively impact the bottom line.

As organizations tighten their belts it is possible they will look at the security organization with increased scrutiny and whether you need all of those people, tools or other line items in your budget. As the CISO you may be asked to justify your budget and explain how your budget links back to value or reduced risk for the company. You also need to avoid common budgeting traps like getting forced into a percentage or flat allocation. Here is my approach to this exercise.

Consider The Priorities Of The Business

First, review the immediate priorities from your strategic plan, regulatory and compliance obligations and top risks for the company. Are those still the right things to focus on? Did the development org drop a product or service area that no longer requires the security team to monitor or protect? Has there been a reduction in non-technical staff that may reduce the number of people that need security awareness or phishing training? Has your company abandoned investment in a particular business vertical, which means you no longer need to plan to complete a compliance audit or certification (like FedRamp or PCI-DSS)? Is your company planning to launch a new product, complete a merger & acquisition or expand in a new geographic region? Is there a new emerging threat to your business that needs attention?

Ultimately, the answers to these questions will result in a few possibilities:

  1. The business is going to continue to grow and invest, which will require the security team to also grow and invest so the business can mitigate or reduce new risk.
  2. The business will maintain existing investment and exposure to risk, but not increase it.
  3. The business will reduce investment based on contraction of business areas that will result in reduced risk to the business.

Articulate A Plan To Address Business Risk

Second, the CISO’s job is to articulate risk and present recommendations to the business for how to address the risk. However, it is important to remember that the business may choose not to follow your recommendations and that’s ok. A CISO should have strong relationships with the other C-Suite executives, but they also need strong relationships with the various corporate functions like legal, HR and finance.

Whether your company is growing, staying the same or contracting, the CISO still needs to present an appropriate budget recommendation and plan to address the risks to the business. I’ve covered how to build a strategic plan before and that should be one of the primary inputs to this exercise.

Planning For Headcount To Reduce Risk

Generally, when considering people resources you should plan to have at least two years of work for those people to accomplish. This means you should look at your strategic plan and consider what risks you can address with the existing resources in your organization over the next two years. Map people to projects with realistic timelines, deliverables and deadlines. Link the priorities back to the strategic plan.

Next, consider what additional risks you could address if you could add additional people to your organization. Are they completing a new compliance audit like ISO27001? Are they implementing a new tool or developing a new process to address an unaddressed risk (such as SBOM or API security)? Do you need additional resources for your SOC to improve chase the sun coverage or to have redundancy when people are on vacation or sick? Is there a particular geographic region that needs investment or that offers similar talent to premium locations, but is currently less expensive? Remember it takes time to identify, hire and train new talent before they are productive.

Lastly, consider what would happen to your plan if people left the organization. Can you still accomplish your goals if you have 5% attrition, 10%, 20% or more? Will it simply take longer to reduce the risk or does less resources make the objective impossible and so now the business will now be exposed? Conduct succession planning to fill the immediate gaps and then build in contingencies in your budget to hire or backfill if needed.

Planning For Technology To Reduce Risk

Taking it one step further, consider what new tooling investments you need to make to address the top risks in your strategic plan. Do you need a new SIEM? Do you need a SAST/DAST scanning capability? Do you need better endpoint detection and response (EDR)? Can you free up people resources by implementing a new tool or automating a process? Determine the best tool and get budgetary pricing for your budget. Depending on how tightly your finance org runs the budget you may also want to add in a tooling contingency to allow the org to pivot or add something new part way through the fiscal year.

Other Budgetary Considerations

Depending on the remit of your security org you may or may not have other line items in your budget. Below are some examples:

  • Penetration tests conducted by an external company
  • Physical security improvements like cameras, alarms, badge readers, safes, etc.
  • Compliance Audits (SOC, ISO, FedRAMP, etc.) or other audits and certifications by external firms
  • Contractors or professional services for short term (1 year or less) engagements
  • MSSP or service providers if you outsource parts of your security org (like incident response)
  • BugBounties for external security researchers
  • Cyber Insurance (with planned increase if you are entering new business areas)
  • Possible legal fees for lawsuits, contractual reviews, outside counsel or other security related legal matters depending on how finance allocates these costs in the overall budget
  • Lab, subscription and equipment costs for threat hunting, security research, cyber ranges or training exercises
  • Executive protection costs for your C-Suite executives
  • Brand and reputation monitoring
  • Training costs for conferences, certifications, tuition reimbursement, security awareness, phishing exercises or other training and education related fees
  • Costs for maintaining specialized security functions like a SCIF, holding clearances, renewing clearances, liaising with law enforcement or other federal agencies
  • Costs for participating in security trade groups, boards or other industry facing security groups that help influence activities for your business
  • Outside consulting firms for specific areas of expertise and unique circumstances like VIP security protection or protecting large events (like company conferences or other extremely large events)

Security Isn’t Just A Cost Center

Don’t forget to offset your budget with activities that positively impact the bottom line for the business. Depending on how your organization is structured you may have customer and industry facing groups or groups that participate in activities like Mergers & Acquisitions. If you have Security Consultants, Professional Services, offer Managed Security Services or participate in other activities that positively impact the bottom line, then your org should get credit for these activities and they should help offset the other security budget items that are typically a cost center for the business. You can have your go to market team or customer facing security resources tag activities in your CRM tool and then pull reports based on this tag. You can also do this with a simple spreadsheet that captures the date, the dollar amount, how many security folks were involved and a short description of the activity. This can be really powerful to show how the security org is helping to not only protect the business, but directly or indirectly improve the bottom line.

Final Thoughts

A lot goes into creating a budget for your security organization with the ultimate goal of reducing or mitigating risk to the business. It is easy to fall into a trap of simply looking at the security org as a percentage of overall headcount for the rest of the business and then allocating budget accordingly. There are metrics floating around the internet claiming security budgets are on average some percentage of the IT budget, or some other percentage of the overall technology spend for an organization. This is the wrong approach in my opinion.

Allocating a flat percentage can result in underinvestment in the security org, which means risk to the business will tacitly (or explicitly) go unaddressed. Having a strong relationship with the finance org and linking your budget requests back to your security organization plan and strategic security plan is the best way to plan and execute a budget that is grounded in reality to reduce risk instead of using arbitrary percentages.

The finance org can also help to make sure you are following their accounting process such as spreading costs over quarters, not recognizing costs until the quarter you actually have to start paying for something, reminding the security org when renewals are coming up and making sure you are sent reminders for when accounting is going to reclaim allocated budget if you don’t spend it in time. They can also help you move things around within the fiscal year so you can maintain your budget based on shifting priorities.

Lastly, I encourage all CISOs to have a budgetary dispute resolution process facilitated by finance and decided on by either the rest of the C-Suite or the board. CISOs need to be able to raise critical risks in terms of staffing, tooling or other issues that will ultimately impact the budget and is separate from the normal budget process. This isn’t a blank check, but a process to break through during urgent situations (like breaches or incidents) and get the budget needed to quickly resolve the issue.

Building a budget for the security org is a time consuming, but critical process. CISOs need to be grounded in basic finance and understand the true P&L of the security function so they can accurately articulate value as related to risk management. The finance org is your greatest ally to assist you with this process to make sure you are putting things in the right buckets (Opex vs Capex). While finance may have rigid processes for how they want to plan for the budget, it is up to the CISO to link their budget back to a strategic plan to address risk for the business and present that plan for approval without falling into traps of percentages or flat allocations.