What’s Better – Complete Coverage With Multiple Tools Or Partial Coverage With One Tool?

The debate between complete coverage with multiple tools versus imperfect coverage with one tool regularly pops up in discussions between security professionals. What we are really talking about is attempting to choose between maximum functionality and simplicity. Having pursued both extremes over the course of my security career I offer this post to share my perspective on how CISOs can think about navigating this classic tradeoff.

In Support Of All The Things

Let’s start with why you may want to pursue complete coverage by using multiple technologies and tools.

Heavily Regulated And High Risk Industries

First, heavily regulated and high risk businesses may be required to demonstrate complete coverage of security requirements. These are industries like the financial sector or government and defense. (I would normally say healthcare here, but despite regulations like HIPAA the entire industry has lobbied against stronger security regulations and this has proven disastrous via major incidents like the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack). The intent behind any regulation is to establish a minimum set of required security controls businesses need to meet in order to operate in that sector. It may not be possible to meet all of these regulatory requirements with a single technology and therefore, CISOs may need to evaluate and select multiple technologies to meet the requirements.

Defense In Depth

Another reason for selecting multiple tools is to provide defense in depth. The thought process is: multiple tools will provide overlap and small variances in how they meet various security controls. These minor differences can offer defenders an advantage because if one piece of technology is vulnerable to an exploit, another piece of technology may not be vulnerable. By layering these technologies throughout your organization you reduce the chances an attacker will be successful.

An example of this would be if your business is protected from the internet by a firewall made by Palo Alto. Behind this PA firewall is a DMZ and the DMZ is separated from your internal network by a firewall from Cisco. This layered defense will make it more difficult for attackers to get through the external firewall, DMZ, internal firewall and into the LAN. (See image below for a very simplistic visual)

Downside Of All The Things

All the things may sound great, but unless you are required to meet that level of security there can be a lot of downsides.

First, multiple technologies introduce complexity into an environment. This can make it more difficult to troubleshoot or detect issues (including security events). It can also make it more difficult to operationally support these technologies because they may have different interfaces, APIs, protocols, configurations, etc. It may not be possible to centrally manage these technologies, or it may require the introduction of an additional technology to manage everything.

Second, all of these technologies can increase the number of people required to support them. People time can really add up as a hidden cost and shouldn’t be thrown away lightly. People time starts the second you begin discussing the requirements for a new technology and can include the following:

  • Proof of Concepts (PoCs)
  • Tradeoff & Gap Analysis
  • Requests for Information (RFI)
  • Requests for Proposal (RFP)
  • Requests for Quotes (RFQ)
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Installation
  • Integration
  • Operation & Support

Finally, multiple technologies can cause performance impacts, increased costs and waste. Performance impacts can happen due to differences in technologies, complexity, configuration errors or over consumption of resources (such as agent sprawl). Waste can happen due to overlap and duplicated functionality because not all of the functionality may not get used despite the fact you are paying for it.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Single Tool

A single tool that covers the majority, but not all, of your requirements offers one advantage – simplicity. This may not sound like much, but after years of chasing perfection, technology simplicity can have benefits that may not be immediately obvious.

First, seeking out a single tool that meets the majority of requirements will force your security team to optimize their approach for the one that best manages risk while supporting the objectives of the business. Second, a single tool is easier to install, integrate, operate and support. There is also less demand on the rest of the business in terms of procurement, contract negotiation and vendor management. Lastly, a single tool requires less people to manage it and therefore you can run a smaller and more efficient organization.

The biggest disadvantage of a single tool is it doesn’t provide defense in depth. One other disadvantage is it won’t meet all of your security requirements and so the requirements that aren’t met should fall within the risk tolerance of the business or somehow get satisfied with other compensating controls.

A single tool that covers the majority, but not all, of your requirements offers one advantage – simplicity.

Wrapping Up

There are a lot of advantages to meeting all of your requirements with multiple tools, but these advantages come with a tradeoff in terms of complexity, operational overhead, duplicated functionality and increased personnel requirements. If you operate a security program in a highly regulated or highly secure environment you may not have a choice so it is important to be aware of these hidden costs. A single tool reduces complexity, operational overhead and personnel demands, but can leave additional risk unmet and fails to provide defense in depth. Generally, I favor simplicity where possible, but you should always balance the security controls against the risk tolerance and needs of the business.

If Data Is Our Most Valuable Asset, Why Aren’t We Treating It That Way?

There have been several high profile data breaches and ransomware attacks in the news lately and the common theme between all of them has been the disclosure (or threat of disclosure) of customer data. The after effects of a data breach or ransomware attack are far reaching and typically include loss of customer trust, refunds or credits to customer accounts, class action lawsuits, increased cyber insurance premiums, loss of cyber insurance coverage, increased regulatory oversight and fines. The total cost of these after effects far outweigh the cost of implementing proactive security controls like proper business continuity planning, disaster recovery (BCP/DR) and data governance, which begs the question – if data is our most valuable asset, why aren’t we treating it that way?

The Landscape Has Shifted

Over two decades ago, the rise of free consumer cloud services, like the ones provided by Google and Microsoft, ushered in the era of mass data collection in exchange for free services. Fast forward to today, the volume of data growth and the value of that data has skyrocketed as companies have shifted to become digital first or mine that data for advertising purposes and other business insights. The proliferation of AI has also ushered in a new data gold rush as companies strive to train their LLMs on bigger and bigger data sets. While the value of data has increased for companies, it has also become a lucrative attack vector for threat actors in the form of data breaches or ransomware attacks.

The biggest problem with business models that monetize data is: security controls and data governance haven’t kept pace with the value of the data. If your company has been around for more than a few years chances are you have a lot of data, but data governance and data security has been an afterthought. The biggest problem with bolting on security controls and data governance after the fact is it is hard to reign in pandoras box. This is also compounded by the fact that it is hard to put a quantitative value on data, and re-architecting data flows is seen as a sunk cost to the business. The rest of the business may find it difficult to understand the need to rearchitect their entire business IT operations since there isn’t an immediate and tangible business benefit.

Finally, increased global regulation is changing how data can be collected and governed. Data collection is shifting from requiring consumers to opt-out to requiring them to explicitly opt-in. This means consumers and users (an their associated data) will no longer be the presumptive product of these free services without their explicit consent. Typically, increased regulation also comes with specific requirements for data security, data governance and even data sovereignty. Companies that don’t have robust data security and data governance are already behind the curve.

False Sense Of Security

In addition to increased regulation and a shifting business landscape, the technology for protecting data really hasn’t changed in the past three decades. However, few companies implement effective security controls on their data (as we continue to see in data breach notifications and ransomware attacks). A common technology used to protect data is encryption at rest and encryption in transit (TLS), but these technologies are insufficient to protect data from anything except physical theft and network snooping (MITM). Both provide a false sense of security related to data protection.

Furthermore, common regulatory compliance audits don’t sufficiently specify protection of data throughout the data lifecycle beyond encryption at rest, encryption in transit and access controls. Passing these compliance audits can give a company a false sense of security that they are sufficiently protecting their data, when the opposite is true.

Just because you passed your compliance audit, doesn’t mean you are good to go from a data security and governance perspective.

Embrace Best Practices

Businesses can get ahead of this problem to make data breaches and ransomware attacks a non-event by implementing effective data security controls and data governance, including BCP/DR. Here are some of my recommendations for protecting your most valuable asset:

Stop Storing and Working On Plain Text Data

Sounds simple, but this will require significant changes to business processes and technology. The premise is the second data hits your control it should be encrypted and never, ever, unencrypted. This means data will be protected even if an attacker accesses the data store, but it also will mean the business will need to figure out how to modify their operations to work on encrypted data. Recent technologies such as homomorphic encryption have been introduced to solve these challenges, but even simpler activities like tokenizing the data can be an effective solution. Businesses can go one step further and create a unique cryptographic key for every “unique” customer. This would allow for simpler data governance, such as deletion of data.

Be Ruthless With Data Governance

Storage is cheap and it is easy to collect data. As a result companies are becoming digital data hoarders. However, to truly protect your business you need to ruthlessly govern your data. Data governance policies need to be established and technically implemented before any production data touches the business. These policies need to be reviewed regularly and data should be purged the second it is no longer needed. A comprehensive data inventory should be a fundamental part of your security and privacy program so you know where the data is, who owns it and where the data is in the data lifecycle.

The biggest problem with business models that monetize data is: security controls and data governance haven’t kept pace with the value of the data.

Ruthlessly governing data can have a number of benefits to the business. First, it will help control data storage costs. Second, it will minimize the impact of a data breach or ransomware attack to the explicit time period you have kept data. Lastly, it can protect the business from liability and lawsuits by demonstrating the data is properly protected, governed and/or deleted. (You can’t disclose what doesn’t exist).

Implement An Effective BCP/DR and BIA Program

Conducting a proper Business Impact Analysis (BIA) of your data should be table stakes for every business. Your BIA should include what data you have, where it is and most importantly, what would happen if this data wasn’t available? Building on top of the BIA should be a comprehensive BCP/DR plan that appropriately tiers and backs up data to support your uptime objectives. However, it seems like companies are still relying on untested BCP/DR plans or worse solely relying on single cloud regions for data availability.

Every BCP/DR plan should include a write once, read many (WORM) backup of critical data that is encrypted at the object or data layer. Create WORM backups to support your RTO and RPO and manage the backups according to your data governance plan. Having a WORM backup will prevent ransomware attacks from being able to encrypt the data and if there is a data breach it will be meaningless because the data is encrypted. BCP / DR plans should be regularly tested (up to full business failover) and security teams need to be involved in the creation of BCP/DR plans to make sure the data will have the confidentiality, integrity and availability when needed.

Don’t Rely On Regulatory Compliance Activities As Your Sole Benchmark

My last recommendation for any business is – just because you passed your compliance audit, doesn’t mean you are good to go from a data security and governance perspective. Compliance audits exist as standards for specific industries to establish a minimum bar for security. Compliance standards can be watered down due to industry feedback, lobbying or legal challenges and a well designed security program should be more comprehensive than any compliance audit. Furthermore, compliance audits are typically tailored to specific products and services, have specific scopes and limited time frames. If you design your security program to properly manage the risks to the business, including data security and data governance, you should have no issues passing a compliance audit that assesses these aspects.

Wrapping Up

Every business needs to have proper data security and data governance as part of a comprehensive security program. Data should never be stored in plain text and it should be ruthlessly governed so it is deleted the second it is no longer needed. BCP/DR plans should be regularly tested to simulate data loss, ransomware attacks or other impacts to data and, while compliance audits are necessary, they should not be the sole benchmark for how you measure the effectiveness of your security program. Proper data protection and governance will make ransomware and data breaches a thing of the past, but this will only happen if businesses stop treating data as a commodity and start treating it as their most valuable asset.

What’s The Relationship Between Security Governance and Organizational Maturity?

Organizational and security governance is touted as a key component of any successful security program. However, I’ve been thinking about governance lately and how it relates to the overall maturity of an organization. This has prompted some questions such as: what happens if you have too much governance? and What’s the relationship between security governance and organizational maturity?

What Is Governance?

First, let’s talk about what governance is.

Governance is the process by which an organization defines, implements and controls the business.

Let’s unpack what this means for a security organization. The process of defining security for the business is done through policies, standards and guidelines. Security policies are requirements the business must meet based on laws, regulations or best practices adopted by the business. These policies align to business objectives. Implementation is done through security controls that are put in place to meet a specific policy or to manage a risk. Lastly, controlling the business is done via audits and compliance checks. The security org follows up on how well the business is following policies, implementing controls and managing risk. Control can also include enforcement, which can involve gating processes, such as requiring approval for business critical and high risk activities, or recommending additional security requirements for the business to manage a risk.

Why Do We Need Governance At All?

In an ideal world we wouldn’t. Imagine a business that is created entirely of clones of yourself. There would be implicit and explicit trust between you and your other selves to do what is best for the business. Communication would be simple and you would already be aligned. In this case you don’t need a lot (or any) governance because you can trust yourself to do the things. However, unless you are Michael Keaton in Multiplicity, this just isn’t a reality.

Governance achieves a few things for a business. First, it communicates what is required of its employees and aligns those employees to common objectives. Second, it helps employees prioritize activities. None of this would be needed if human’s weren’t so complex with diverse backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, education, etc. In an ideal world we wouldn’t need any governance at all. The reality is, we do need governance, but it needs to be balanced so it doesn’t unnecessarily impede the business.

How Does This Relate To Organizational Maturity?

Organizational maturity refers to how your employees are able to execute their tasks to achieve the objectives of the business. This relates to things like the quality of code, how quickly teams resolve operational issues or how efficiently they perform a series of tasks. It can be loosely thought of as efficiency, but I actually think it combines efficiency with professionalism and integrity. Maturity is knowing what good is and being able to execute efficiently to get there. There is a fantastic book about this topic called Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building High Performing Technology Organizations by Nicole Forsgren PhD.

Which brings us to the relationship of governance and maturity…

There is an inverse relationship between organizational maturity and organizational governance. In simple terms:

The less mature an organization, the more governance is needed.

For example, if your organization struggles to apply patches in a timely manner, continually introduces new code vulnerabilities into production or repeatedly demonstrates behavior that places the business at risk, then your organizational maturity is low. When organizational maturity is low, the business needs to put processes and controls in place to align employees and direct behavior to achieve the desired outcomes. In the examples above, increased governance is an attempt to manage risk because your employees are behaving in a way that lacks maturity and is placing the business at risk.

What causes low organizational maturity?

Organizational maturity is a reflection of employee behavior, skillset, knowledge, education and alignment. In other words, organizational maturity is a reflection of your organizational culture. In practical terms your employees may simply not know how to do something. They may not have experience with working for your type of business or in the industry you operate in. Perhaps they had a really bad boss at a past job and learned bad behavior. Whatever the reason, low organizational maturity is linked to lots of sub-optimal outcomes in business.

How To Improve Organizational Maturity?

If governance and maturity are inversely linked, the question becomes how can we increase organizational maturity so we need less governance? There are a lot of ways to increase organizational maturity. One that is fairly obvious is to start with a mature organization and maintain it over time. However, this is easier said than done and is why some organizations are fanatical about culture. This relates to everything from hiring to talent management and requires strong leadership at all levels of the company.

Other ways to improve organizational maturity are through training and education. This is why security awareness and training programs are so critical to a successful security program. Security awareness and training programs are literally attempting to improve organizational maturity through education.

One last way to improve maturity is via process. The security organization can establish a new process that all teams must follow. As teams go through this process you can educate them and reward teams that exhibit the ideal behavior by relaxing the process for them. You can also help teams educate themselves by publishing the requirements and making the process transparent. The challenge with imposing a new process is having the discipline to modify or remove the process when needed, which comes back to governance.

What’s the right level of governance?

The optimal level of governance is going to be based on your organizational maturity and desired business outcomes. In order to determine if you have too much or too little governance you need to measure organizational maturity and the effectiveness of existing organizational governance. There are industry standard processes for measuring organizational maturity, like the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and Six Sigma, or you can create your own metrics. Some ways to measure governance effectiveness are:

  • Ask For Feedback On Security Processes – Are the processes effective? Do teams view them as an impediment or are they viewed favorably? Are the processes easy to navigate and objective or are they opaque and subjective?
  • Measure Effectiveness Of Security Controls – Are your security controls effective? If you ask a team to do work to implement a security control you should have clear metrics that determine if that control is effective. If you implement a control, but that control hasn’t changed the outcome, then the control is ineffective. This can indicate your governance is ineffective or your organizational maturity needs to improve.
  • Assess and Update Policy – Security policies should be living documents. They shouldn’t be set in stone. Security policies need to map back to laws and regulations they support and the business requirements needed to be successful. Laws, regulations and business requirements all change over time and so should your security policies. By having up to date and relevant security policies you can ensure your organizational governance matches the maturity of the business.

What Are Typical Scenarios For Governance And Maturity?

There are four scenarios related to governance and maturity:

A mature organization with too much governance – your organization is mature, but you are overly controlling with process and requirements. The net effect will be to slow down and impede the business unnecessarily. You are effectively lowering the organizational maturity due to too much governance.

An immature organization with too little governance – this is a recipe for disaster. If your organization is immature and you fail to govern the organization you will open the business up to unnecessary risk. You will get out maneuvered by your competitors, you will miss opportunities, you will fail to comply with laws and regulations and generally will have a lot of activity without any result. Your employees will lack coordination and as a result your business will suffer.

A mature organization with too little governance – This isn’t a bad scenario to be in. A mature organization implies they are doing the right things and don’t need a lot of guidance. A laissez faire attitude may be the right thing to allow employees flexibility and freedom, but it does come with inherent risk of not being compliant with laws and regulations. It may also mean there is duplication of effort or multiple ways of doing things, which could be optimized.

Governance and maturity are balanced – obviously this is the ideal scenario where your organizational governance is balanced to the level of maturity of the organization. Easy to think about in practice, difficult to achieve in reality.

Wrapping Up

Organizational governance and maturity are inversely related and need to be balanced in order for the business to operate effectively. There are ways to measure organizational maturity and governance effectiveness and by having a continual feedback loop you can optimally align both for success.

We Are Drowning In Patches (and what to do about it)

Last week I had an interesting discussion with some friends about how to prioritize patches using criticality and a risk based approach. After the discussion I starting thinking about how nice it would be if we could all just automatically patch everything and not have to worry about prioritization and the never ending backlog of patches, but unfortunately this isn’t a reality for the majority of organizations.

Whats the problem?

There are several issues that create a huge backlog of patches for organizations.

First, let’s talk about the patching landscape organizations need to deal with. This is largely spit into two different areas. The first area is operating system (OS) and service patches. These are patches that are released periodically for the operating systems used by the business to run applications or products. Common operating systems for production workloads will be either Windows or Linux and will have stability, security or new feature patches released periodically.

Second, there are patches for software libraries that are included in the software and applications developed by your business. Typically these are lumped into the category of 3rd party libraries, which means your organization didn’t write these libraries, but they are included in your software. 3rd party library security vulnerabilities have become a huge issue over the last decade (but thats a blog post for another day).

These two patch types, OS and 3rd party library patches, require different approaches to discover, manage and remediate, which is the first challenge for auto patching. When combined with the volume of new vulnerabilities being discovered, large heterogeneous environments and the need to keep business critical applications available, keeping your assets patched and up to date becomes a real challenge.

Why isn’t auto patching a thing?

Well it is, but…

There are a few challenges to overcome before you can auto-patch.

Stability and Functionality

First, both operating system and 3rd party library patches need to be tested for stability and functionality. Usually, patches fix some sort of issue or introduce new features, but this can cause issues in other areas such as stability or functionality. It can be a complex process to roll back patches and restore business critical applications to a stable version, which is why most businesses test their patches in a staging environment before rolling them out to production. Cash is king and businesses want to minimize any disruption to cash flow.

Investment and Maturity

It is possible to automate testing for stability and functionality, but this requires a level of maturity and investment that most organizations haven’t achieved. For example, assuming your staging environment is a mirror image of your production environment (it is right?), you could auto apply the patches in staging, automatically check for stability and functionality over a set period of time and then roll those updates to production with minimal interaction. However, if your environment requires reboots or you have limited resources, patching may require down time, which could impact making money.

In order to have an environment that can support multiple versions, seamless cut over, proper load balancing, caching, etc. requires significant investment. Typically this investment is useful for keeping your products functioning and making money even if something goes wrong, but this investment can also be used to buffer maintenance activities such as patching without disruption.

Software Development Lifecycle

The last section assumes a level of software development maturity such as adoption of Agile development processes and CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous delivery). However, if your engineering group uses a different development process such as Incremental or Waterfall, then patching may become even more difficult because you are now competing with additional constraints and priorities.

What are some strategies to prioritize patching and reduce volume?

If your business runs products that aren’t mission critical, or you simply can’t justify the investment to operate an environment without down time, then auto patching probably isn’t a reality for you unless you are Austin Powers and like to live dangerously. For most organizations, you will need to come up with a strategy to prioritize patching and reduce the volume down to a manageable level.

Interestingly, this problem space has had a bunch of brain power dedicated to it over the years because it resembles a knapsack problem, which is a common problem space in mathematics, computer science and economics. Knapsack problems are problems where you have a finite amount of a resource (space, time, etc.) and you want to optimize the use of that resource to maximize some sort of requirement (like value). In the case of patching, this would mean applying the largest volume of the highest severity patches in a fixed time period to realize the maximum risk reduction possible.

Critical Assets First

Staying in the knapsack problem space, one strategy is to start with your most critical assets and apply the highest severity patches until you reach your threshold for risk tolerance. This requires your organization to have an up to date asset inventory and have categorized your assets based on business criticality and risk. For example, let’s say you have two applications at your business. One is a mission critical application for customers and generates 80% of your annual revenue. The other application provides non-mission critical functionality and accounts for the other 20% of revenue. Your risk tolerance based on your company policies is to apply all critical and high patches within 72 hours of release. In this example you would apply all critical and high patches to the mission critical application as quickly as possible (assuming other requirements are met like availability, etc.).

Guard Rails and Gates

Another strategy for reducing volume is to have guard rails or gates as part of your software development lifecycle. This means your engineering teams will be required to pass through these gates at different stages before being allowed to go to production. For example, your organization may have a policy that no critical vulnerabilities are allowed in production applications. The security organization creates a gate that scans for OS and 3rd party library vulnerabilities whenever an engineering team attempts to make changes to the production environment (like pushing new features). This way the engineering team needs to satisfy any vulnerability findings and apply patches at regular intervals coinciding with changes to production.

Wrapping Up

With the proliferation of open source software, the speed of development and the maturity of researchers and attackers to find new vulnerabilities, patching has become an overwhelming problem for a lot of organizations. In fact, it is such a big problem CISA and the Executive Order On Improving The Nation’s Cybersecurity list software patches and vulnerabilities as a key national security issue. I’ve outlined a few strategies to prioritize and reduce the volume of patches if your organization can’t afford the investment to absorb downtime without disruption. However, no matter what strategy you choose, all of them require strong fundamentals in asset inventory, asset categorization and defined risk tolerance. While these investments may seem tedious at first, the more disciplined you are about enforcing the security fundamentals (and engineering maturity), the less you will drown in patches and the closer your organization will come to the reality of auto-patching.

Annual Planning For CISOs

The beginning of the year is a popular time for making personal resolutions, which can focus on health, finance or love. While the beginning of the year is a popular time to set resolutions, really what we are talking about is setting goals to improve ourselves. I’m a huge proponent of setting personal goals for the year because it gives focus and purpose to your actions. The beginning of the year is also a great time to review the annual goals of your security program to set your focus and establish priorities. Annual planning has several objectives that CISOs need to consider and include in their process and I’ll cover them in the rest of this post.

Strategic Planning (Strat Planning)

Strategic, or “strat” planning as it is sometimes called, looks at where the business and your organization want to be over a long term time period. Something like 18 months to 5 years is typical in strat planning. The planning session should include discussion of the one or more of the following macro level business topics:

  • Market forces and opportunities
  • Industry trends
  • Regulatory and legal landscape
  • Competition
  • Customer sentiment, goals, etc.
  • Economic and financial environment
  • Geo-political climate
  • Technology trends and latest research

This discussion could be part of a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), but the goal is to understand where your business is and where you want it to go in the long term.

Align The Security Program

Once the business has a strategic plan, the CISO should conduct a similar planning exercise for where they want the security program to be. These are sometimes called “North Stars”, but they are essentially high level objectives over the long term that merge technology trends, regulatory requirements and security goals into long term objective. These won’t be very specific, but instead should act as guidance for where your team should focus and hopefully end up over the next few years.


An example of a strategic trend and security objective are as follows:

Trend: As companies shift from the datacenter to the cloud and bring your own device (BYOD), the concept of a traditional perimeter no longer makes sense.

Strategic Security Objective: Shift to a zero trust strategy where identity becomes the perimeter.

The goal is to choose big ticket objectives that will take multiple years to achieve, but will provide guidance to your org and the rest of the business about the direction your team is taking. Your strategic plan will inform the next section, which is your operational plan.

Operational Planning (Op Planning)

Operational planning is more tactical in nature and covers a shorter time period than strategic planning. Op planning usually follows either a fiscal or calendar year that way it aligns to performance reviews and budgeting cycles. In op planning the CISO will select the high level goals they want the security organization to complete that year. Usually op planning will include discussion and planning of the following:

  • Budget creation, forecasting and changes
  • Headcount planning
  • Technology investments (if any)
  • Top risks to focus on
  • Any audits or compliance certifications needed that year
  • Development of timing and roadmap for completing specific projects and tasks
  • Discussion of security controls and services
  • Skill gaps and training requirements

The point is to create a tactical plan for the year that will inform your team’s specific goals and objectives. These goals should be clear and measurable. I typically use an iterative approach to break my goals down to my directs and then they break their goals down to their teams and so on. This ensures alignment throughout the business.

Measuring and Adjusting

One important aspect of any plan is to continually measure progress and adjust if needed. Goals and objectives aren’t useful if the business has shifted and they are no longer relevant or have become un-obtainable.

Wrapping Up

Strategic and operational planning are important activities for every CISO. These plans define the long term vision for the security organization and break down that vision into tactical objectives that are accomplished throughout the year. This post discussed a high level overview of what goes into strategic and operational planning, but aligning security plans to business risk, mapping security controls, obtaining funding and reporting progress are all complex activities that every CISO needs to master.